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Development in Infancy: A Contemporary Introduction de Marc H. Bornstein,Martha E. Arterberry,Michael E. Lamb

Descripción - Críticas 'This is the premier volume on infant development with the breadth and depth that far overreaches the competition. Simply put, it’s the one book that anyone interested in infant development should have in their collection.' – David H. Rakison, Carnegie Mellon University, USA  'This go-to book offers a comprehensive, provocative account of the theories, methodologies, scientific advances, and challenges that characterize the field of infancy. It strikes the ideal balance between contemporary approaches and historical tradition, basic research and practical application, and conceptual rigor and reader accessibility.'- Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, New York University, USA

'Development in Infancy tackles the large questions that keep resurfacing: nature-nurture, continuity and stability of development and the significance of development as well as the implications of basic research for education, public policy and medical and social care.' – Dieter Wolke, University of Warwick, United Kingdom  'My students will appreciate the state-of-the-art coverage of all facets of infant development. The increased emphasis on practical applications and social policy will be extremely useful to professionals. Instructors and students will appreciate the new teaching web resources. It is an indispensable introduction to the field of infancy.' – Diane Poulin-Dubois, Concordia University, Canada  â€œI have seen … other infant development books, but none that I would consider instead of this one. …  It is the only text I’ve found with the style, scope, and depth of presentation I believe is appropriate for this course.“ – Harriet Darling, The Pennsylvania State University, York Campus, USA “I have found [this text] to be the most comprehensive, thorough book for a grad level infant and toddler class. I thoroughly enjoy it for myself as well. It is probably the book I have held onto the longest. …I have been using it since it came out. … The authors write very clearly.“ – Elizabeth M. McCarroll, Texas Woman’s University, USA Reseña del editor This topically-organized text provides a comprehensive overview of infant development with a strong theoretical and research base. Readers gain a clear understanding of infant development and issues that will be the focus of significant advances in infancy studies in the future. The new fifth edition reflects the enormous changes in the field that have occurred over the past decade. The thoroughly revised chapters emphasize work from the 21st century, although classic references are retained, and explore contextual, methodological, neurological, physical, perceptual, cognitive, communicative, emotional, and social facets of infant development. The fifth edition features a more accessible style and enhanced pedagogical and teaching resource program. This extensively revised edition features a number of changes: • The fifth edition adds a new co-author, Martha Arterberry, who brings additional teaching and research skills to the existing author team. • An enhanced pedagogical program features orienting questions at the beginning of each chapter and boldfaced key terms listed at the end of the chapter and defined in the glossary to help facilitate understanding and learning.• Two new boxes in each chapter – Science in Translation illustrate applied issues and Set for Life highlight the significance of infancy for later development.• Increased emphasis on practical applications and social policy.• More graphs, tables, and photos that explain important concepts and findings.• Literature reviews are thoroughly updated and reflect contemporary research.• All new teaching web resources -- Instructors will find Power Points, electronic versions of the text figures, and a test bank, and students will find hyperlinked references and electronic versions of the key concepts and the definitions. Intended for beginning graduate or advanced undergraduate courses on infant (and toddler) development or infancy or early child development taught in departments of psychology, human development & family studies, education, nursing, social work, and anthropology, this book also appeals to social service providers, policy makers, and clergy who work with community institutions. Prerequisites include introductory courses on child development and general psychology. Biografía del autor Marc H. Bornstein is Senior Investigator and Head of Child and Family Research at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and Editor of Parenting: Science and Practice.

Martha E. Arterberry is Professor of Psychology at Colby College, Maine.

Michael E. Lamb is Professor of Psychology at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Development in Infancy: A Contemporary Introduction
  • Autor: Marc H. Bornstein,Martha E. Arterberry,Michael E. Lamb
  • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
  • Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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